Sermon Ascension 2024

Sermon Ascension 2024

Sermon Ascension 2024

# Vicar's blog

Sermon Ascension 2024

Ascension reflections Luke 24. 44end

The ascension is one of those moments in scripture which I sometimes find difficult to grasp. When we think about the ascension from the perspective of the church, it can sometimes just feel like a fleeting event that happens before the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples and among us all. Yet the ascension is so much more than a fleeting moment. When Jesus goes up to heaven he is marking the start of our mission on earth and his mission as our advocate in heaven. As our advocate in heaven he is able to help throughout the world. However I’m not sure how I feel about needing an advocate in heaven because what does this then say about God? Does God not care about us?

I guess to work through this we have to go right to the beginning of the story of humanity. In the garden of Eden humanity had a relationship with God, but when we broke God's rules, that relationship was broken. The only way to restore that relationship was for God to come on earth, both with power from on high and with the humbleness of humanity. This enabled God to be alongside our suffering but also our joy. This lived experience gives God a closer relationship with us, but for that relationship to be fully realised Jesus had to be ascended into heaven to be along side God. As it says in the Apostles Creed, he ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God. Jesus is our advocate in heaven. When I think about this I come to another sticking point. God is a mystery and yet I’m supposed to believe that he's sitting in heaven with Jesus sitting next to him on his right side?!

No, the right side throughout scripture just refers to a place of favour. A king may have sat someone on their right side to show everyone that that person was favoured, but when we are talking about God this is just emphasising how favoured Jesus is to God. On earth Jesus was limited to only being among us through the disciples, yet in heaven Jesus is able to help us all until he comes again. The ascension has changed the relationship humanity has with God just as much as Jesus' death and resurrection does. Jesus has completed the task he was sent down to do, not just as a substitution for our sins or any other atonement theory that we adhered to, but also as our advocate in heaven and the ascension marks the start of Jesus’ reign as king.

This is another aspect of the ascension I find difficult, to think about Jesus being King. I feel so much damage has been done to society by our patriarchal systems that has a ‘King’ at the top. Even in scripture all of the Kings including David, used their power to get what they wanted, yet the issue isn’t Kingship but humans. As sinful creatures we have corrupted the idea of Kingship. We as Christians are servants of Christ, out there in the world to serve others, but we are not lorded over by a corrupt King taking advantage of us, but by a loving God.

Oscar Romero was a Theologian and archbishop of San Salvador for three year. He became known as a fearless defender of the poor and suffering. His work on behalf of the oppressed earned him the admiration and love of the people he served but it also lead to his assassination. He wrote a poem about the ascension which I wanted to read an extract of.

Money is good, but selfish persons have made it bad and sinful.  Power is good, but abuse by humans has made it something to fear.  All has been created by God, but humans have subjected it to sin.  And so Christ’s ascension proclaims that the whole creation will also be redeemed in him,  because he will give the meaning of all that God has created, 

I think I find understanding the ascension difficult  because it is described using terms that describe the actions of humanity. This is obviously necessary as using our language is the only way we can have any understanding of the mystery of God. But it is understandable why those without faith would find it hard to grasp. When you live in a world where Kings are corrupt or someone who is supposed to be your advocate has done little to help you, our creed and belief in God would seem naive.

Yet if we immerse ourselves in the belief that Jesus came on earth to redeem creation, not just by dying for our sins but by restoring our relationship with God in heaven, maybe we can have a deeper understanding of the meaning of all that God created and not see the ascension as a fleeting moment as we wait for the Holy Spirit, but a significant event that brings us closer to God.

At Jesus crucifixion the disciples hid and were fearful of what would happen to them. They then went back to their previous lives as if nothing happened. Yet at Jesus ascension, they don’t go back to their old lives or feel orphaned by Jesus departure. Jesus opened their minds and they understood the mission set before them and that his ascension marked the start of this mission, to spread the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord.



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  St Mary Church, Banbury