02/07/2024 0 Comments
6 Months On
6 Months On
# Sarah's blog
6 Months On
We have reached September and it’s 6 months since we were plunged into lockdown. What have I discovered during these strange months of pandemic? Here’s just a selection of the thoughts which spring to mind.
Firstly, the importance of human touch and hugs: I was never in any doubt of this, as a fairly demonstrative individual, and I really mind still not being able to hug people out of sheer joy at seeing them or compassionately in times of deepest pain.
Secondly, what a delight it is to see family and friends! I think we took for granted the pleasure of enjoying each other’s company in town, at church or down the pub, and after 6 months of being unable to offer hospitality in our homes, I can’t wait to be able to invite people round to our house for a meal again. It has been a real bonus to have all three of our daughters working from home for many months, although the supermarket food deliveries have been substantially larger than when just for the two of us (see below)!
Thirdly, the gift & blessings of the internet: I praise God for all the Zoom meetings, the opportunity to share thoughts and blog posts, and the endless possibilities of learning information and staying in touch on Facebook (which I had resolutely shied away from until earlier this year). And WhatsApp video calls have enabled me to have regular contact with some of my closest relatives who have been restricted in care homes or shielding in private houses. I haven’t gone on a shopping expedition since mid-March, and the truth is, I haven’t really missed it (much)! Necessary purchases have taken place in a far more focused way online, and we have been the fortunate recipients of a weekly supermarket delivery.
Fourthly, all the different ways of being church: we have enjoyed weekly diocesan services regularly led by our bishops and others, and we have discovered how to live-stream services ourselves. Bishop Colin was able to license from a distance Serena, our vicar, and this is still the most watched video on our Facebook page. We have shared weekly services with individuals from Banbury and far beyond, across the country and from other nations – some of my family regularly join us for Wednesday evening Compline from Scotland and Norway, and while on holiday I “attended” services taken by my father in Scotland. The online post-service discussion groups have also allowed the congregation to get to know each other with greater familiarity.
Finally (for now), the joy of working with colleagues and a gifted support team: we still have regular meetings online, and we are able to share the highs and lows of our week’s happenings. And when I need some guidance on transferring large volumes of data or learning how to screen share or discovering unusual facts about our church building for a heritage video, there is always someone who knows how to do it and is willing to offer me guidance, for which I thank God.
Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference, wrote a beautiful prayer of encouragement earlier this year, which is reproduced below:
We are not people of fear: we are people of courage.
We are not people who protect our own safety: we are people who protect our neighbours’ safety.
We are not people of greed: we are people of generosity.
We are your people God, giving and loving, wherever we are, whatever it costs
For as long as it takes wherever you call us.
Sarah Bourne – 2nd Sept 2020 sarahbourne@banburystmary.org.uk