Music for Sunday 7th June (Trinity Sunday)

Music for Sunday 7th June (Trinity Sunday)

Music for Sunday 7th June (Trinity Sunday)

# Weekly Music & Worship Blog

Music for Sunday 7th June (Trinity Sunday)

During the current pandemic situation, St Mary’s Church will provide music links for your individual use at home alongside the weekly Pew Sheet.  We hope that this will aid your worship and praise.    

Hymnbook numbers from Ancient & Modern - Hymns and Songs for Refreshing Worship  

Organ YouTube recordings by Stephen Taylor


Music for Sunday 7th June (Trinity Sunday)

276 Holy, Holy, Holy!  Lord God Almighty!

630 Father Lord of all creation

277 I bind unto myself today the strong name of the Trinity (St Patrick’s Breastplate – see Sarah’s blog )

Organ voluntary J S Bach Fugue in E flat, consisting of three contrasting sections based on the theme ‘O God our help in ages past’


Wednesday 10th June at 8 pm

Zoom Compline (a 15 minute evening service) followed by virtual discussion group

Also live-streamed on Facebook

Further details & Zoom link from


Thursday 11th June at 10.30 am (Corpus Christi)

Zoom Holy Communion followed by virtual coffee

Also live-streamed on Facebook

Further details & Zoom link from

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  St Mary Church, Banbury