02/07/2024 0 Comments
Walk Amongst the Easter People
Walk Amongst the Easter People
# News
Walk Amongst the Easter People
From 14th to 20th March 354 people, mostly children came to St. Mary’s to Walk amongst the Easter People. The year 5 and 6 from7 schools together with the St. Mary’s confirmation class on the Saturday and the Messy St. Mary’s families on Sunday walked with the people whose lives gave us the story of Easter.
They stood with the crowds on Palm Sunday cheering on the man they thought would lead a rebellion against Rome. They were faced with the aftermath of a riot in the Temple, and to add insult to injury the sellers of sacrificial animals tried to rip them off too. They met the wife of the Roman soldier detailed to keep an eye on Jesus and through her eyes heard about the last supper and the arrest in the garden. Then they watched the end as they sat with Mary, Mary and John at the foot of the cross. But to their surprise we then took them back to the beginning to walk with 2 men traveling the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus and met the risen Christ.
To enhance the learning experience the children, and some of the adults made: palm leaves, sheep, Roman shields and scratch art crosses.
For those who like to know what others thought of the experience, here are comments from some of the children who came to Walk Amongst the Easter People:
- This was so different, I thought I wouldn’t learn anything but I learned so much and I had so much fun.
- I enjoyed all the activities and all of the stories. I’ve learned to look deeper into the stories to get the full meaning.
- I enjoyed everything because it was presented in an interesting way.
- It’s very enjoyable to learn more than just the basics. I liked today very much.
- This was the best learning experience ever! Thank you for this lovely day.
- I have learned mostly about the Easter story and how it is important.
Our next Walk with… will be filling up the week beginning Monday 20th June when we will be Walking Amongst the stories of Jesus.
The Revd Sue Newby