02/07/2024 0 Comments
Prayers for Easter Sunday – Easter Intercessions
Prayers for Easter Sunday – Easter Intercessions
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Prayers for Easter Sunday – Easter Intercessions
We are at a turning point in our Churches’ life.
The trauma of Christ’s Crucifixion.
Then the calm of indecision.
Our Lord returns to strengthen and encourage us towards a New Life.
Give the people in our Church the courage to move forward with Philip as our guide and mentor into a new era of Christian outreach in this town.
Lord In your Mercy
Hear our Prayer
Merciful God, We pray for all whose desperation leads them to flee their homes, into an uncertain future
Give them strength on their journeys and keep alive their vision of finding a secure and welcoming home
We pray for ourselves that our hearts may be opened to look beyond our own fears and concerns to the needs of those who have nothing, who risk everything and depend on the kindness of strangers.
We pray for the work of Christian Aid and their partner agencies working in Syria and Greece, Hungary and Serbia
as they try to show your love in the face of immense challenges
We pray too for those in authority that they may have the courage and vision to make wise, cooperative and compassionate decisions. Lord in your Mercy
Hear our Prayer.
For our Town of Banbury.
On Friday, I was in Church for a Meditation on the Cross.
As I watched Pictures of Christs Crucifixion the church doors were open
I could watch Banbury going by outside, Cars rushing by, people with their shopping young children prams pushchairs all too busy with the world outside
Rushing past some too busy stop and look in, some came up to the door and looked in, all too busy with the world. But some did come into savour the peace and tranquillity within, but world soon dragged them out again.
We Pray for all those busy People whose lives are so full that they haven’t the time or energy to remember the sacrifice your Son made for us.
Lord in your Mercy
Hear our Prayer
(those who suffer)
Living God, On this day of Resurrection
We pray for all who suffer, thinking especially of all affected by the bombing in Brussels
We remember also those we know by name who are ill in body or mind,
realising there is no-one whose name is not known to you.
Keep coming in the power of the risen Christ
to keep hope alive for them and for us.
Lord in your Mercy Hear our Prayer
We reflect on the Death and Resurrection of our Lord.
Remembering all those whose loved ones have been taken from them recently. It may seem the end of the world for them.
But god gives us the hope of a new beginning.
I reflect on the image of a chrysalis it seems to be dead but at the appointed time a Wonderful Butterfly emerges in to the Sunlight of a New World.
Lord In your Mercy
Hear Our Prayer